Biopuncture is an injection therapy whereby specific areas are injected with biological products / biotherapeutics. The majority of these injections are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly in order to stimulate healing.
Numerous conditions can be treated using this modality, however Biopuncture is most widely known for its efficacy in treating musculoskeletal conditions and sport’s related injuries.
Biopuncture, if performed correctly, is a safe treatment. The biotherapeutics used are diluted, making toxic burden minimal and side effects uncommon.
The ampoules used for Biopuncture are made in Germany and are held to very strict quality control regulations. Clinical studies on thousands of patients have confirmed the safety of these scheduled ampoules. Modalities involving diluted substances or homeopathic preparations have in the past sometimes raised questions about efficacy.
Research on Biopuncture however has given insight on how these products work. For example, scientific investigation has illustrated that Traumeel (a biotherapeutic product) indeed works via the immune system. In June 2004, an article was published in a medical journal, Clinical & Developmental Immunology, which is a highly respected journal in conventional medicine. The article highlighted both the efficacy of Traumeel and the physiological mode of action.
Biopuncture is a safe and effective modality in complementary alternative medicine. It uses biological injections to stimulate the natural self-healing capacities of your body.
As an example, drinking a lot of coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation. So according to the principle of ‘like with like’, when coffee is made into a homeopathic medicine, it can be used to treat insomnia or sleep disturbances.
Homeopathic medication is safe to be taken by people of all ages, from newborns to elderly. In most cases is it safe to use homeopathic medication alongside allopathic medication as concurrent treatment. There are little to no harmful side effects of this form of treatment, but it is important to see your homeopath before taking remedies for specific ailments.
A homeopathic consultation involves case taking, physical examination, and sometimes blood work or imaging studies as with any medical practitioner. Remedies are then selected and prepared based on the overall clinical picture.